The family resemblance between me and my sister is quite striking (much more so, I think, than the resemblance between us and either parent); we have the same nose, same dark hair that curls into raidus-half-inch helices, maybe similar mannerisms, probably similar cognitive profiles. Unlike me, my sister is socially well-adjusted. [...] If it's actually the case that one's will is subtly out of alignment with a hypermajority of healthy people in ways that are predictable and causally related to one's medical condition, that might be really disappointing from some grand fun-theoretic universe-design sense, but in the real world where one is not God and everything outside of one's skull is a constant, not being delusional about the degree of alignment might actually be useful in learning how to cooperate better, if mere cooperation is the best we can do.
+Scattered Personal Reflections After a Tech Conference; Or, Smile More;
+AGP-motivated radfem alignment
+Moldbug's deep rhetorical game: